Description: The dataset is a feature class showing the boundaries of 515 groundwater basins and subbasins as defined by the California Department of Water Resources as last modified by the Basin Boundary Emergency Regulation adopted on October 21, 2015 and subsequent modifications requested through the Basin Boundary Modification Request Process. The file is in ESRI geodatabase format and is intended for use with compatible GIS software. Groundwater basins are represented as polygon features and designated on the basis of geological and hydrological conditions - usually the occurrence of alluvial or unconsolidated deposits. When practical, large basins are also subdivided by political boundaries, as in the Central Valley. Basins are named and numbered per the convention of the Department of Water Resources. The associated data are considered DWR enterprise GIS data, which meet all appropriate requirements of the DWR GIS Spatial Data Standards. DWR makes no warranties or guarantees, either expressed or implied, as to the completeness, accuracy or correctness of the data, nor accepts or assumes any liability arising from or for any incorrect, incomplete or misleading subject data. The official DWR GIS Data Steward for this dataset is Brett Wyckoff, who may be contacted at 916-651-9283, or at Comments, problems, improvements, updates, or suggestions should be forwarded to the official GIS Data Steward as available and appropriate.
Description: The dataset is a feature class showing any changes that were made to the boundaries of the original groundwater basins and subbasins as defined by the California Department of Water Resources (Bulletin 118, 2003). Groundwater basins are represented as polygon features. Changes may have been made to certain lines only and not the entire basin. Lines that may have been changed were areas where the description stated that the basin boundary followed a stream or river course or a county boundary. These changes were termed as administrative edits.